Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year! There is nothing new about me though I will still be the same. I use to always make a New Years Resolution but I never followed them through. So this year I decided to just be me. I will work on things that need to worked on but I will do it for me not for anyone else.
    So I went to the library last week and checked out two books. Ten by Gretchen McNeil. The cover says Ten Teens, Three Days, and One Killer. I mean with that cover who wouldn't want to read it. I wont lie I read this book in one day. It's 309 pages but it pulls you in from the beginning I think. Its about two friends named Meg and Minnie. They get invited to a house party on the island. What should have been a great three day house party full of boys, drinking and luxury turns into a nightmare when they watch a DVD about Vengeance being mine. Then all hell breaks out. As you read you learn why those specific teens were invited. You also start to try and figure out the killer and you want to assume that every one is. I mean the clues are spilled out in a steady pace so it keeps you on the edge of your seat and guessing. Like I said I started it at noon the day I checked it out and had it read by 7pm that night. It was hard to put down. I think the reason I liked it as much as I did; it reminded me of I Know What You Did Last Summer and  Scream. It gave the background on why who was there; was there. The closer I got to the ending I started getting anxious about who the killer was and why they were killing everyone off. I definitely recommend this book.
    I also checked out JonBenet: Inside the Ramsey Murder Investigation from the Leading Detective on the Case Steve Thomas with Don Davis. This year marks the 20th anniversary of JonBenet Ramsey's Death. I was nine when it happened. I only remember a little bit about it seeing as I was only nine years old. On December 25th 1996 JonBenet Ramsey went to sleep and never woke up. I am almost half way through this book and I already feel confident enough to say that it was either the parents themselves that murdered their child or they paid someone off to murder their child. I mean yes the police have botched the case from the  beginning  but everything points to them. I mean if I were a parent of a missing child I would be freaking the hell out. I would be crying or screaming or looking frantically around the house. They did nothing. They had the ransom note and it said that they would be called on the next day about the release of their daughter. When that call didn't come in they didn't freak out or anything. It was like they knew no one was going to call them, because they killed her. I mean how can you call yourself with the police in the same room with you. They haven't helped the police in any way, even though they give interviews saying that they are helping in any way possible. Whatever!?! They won't grant the police an interview so they can give their official statement. As soon as it happened they left without even giving the  police a warning of them leaving nor did they get permission to leave. They never called to ask how the investigation was going or if the police had any leads, even though when they did talk they accused everyone the could think of, of killing their child; the nanny, the old nanny, the housekeeper and her husband, the neighbors and even their close friends. Like I said I am only halfway through this book. I am hoping it gives an answer of who would want to take the life of a promising six year old away and why would they do it.
    How did I spend the last day of Winter Break you ask? Why I built the Lego Fire station that the boys got for Christmas. It took me a max of an hour and about twenty minutes before Bryson had if destroyed lol...oh well he got to play with it and so did Emmett. They are using the Lego pieces as trash for Bryson's trash truck now so its a win -win.

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