Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Valentine's Day....blah

   I guess I have come to realize in my older age that Valentine's Day is overrated. I never much cared for the holiday and then I got with someone who tried to make it special but in the end he turned out to be just like the rest of them. He got mad when I spent to much time with my family so we ended things, since then I have been single and I am okay with that. I can buy my own candy if I want it and I don't need a special ordained day to get roses, I mean if I only get them on one day a year then what is the point. I mean surprise me on a random Wednesday with daisy's. And in the end they just die, they don't last forever. I may sound cynical but I really am not I promise. I enjoy the day just because I get to see how happy Emmett and Bryson get when they have their party at school and have cards from their friends. Besides when you are on a diet you cant have all that candy anyways lol.

   I finally finished Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn. OMG that took me forever to read but I was not disappointed at the end. We all know that she the author of Gone Girl and that was a fantastic book but Sharp Objects was her debut novel and it was worth the four days it took me to read it. Here's the jest of the story: It follows the story of a young reporter who has long ago left home and only returned once. When terror strikes her home town, she is forced to be the “girl with the In” and return home to catch the “big story” and “make it big” for her small Chicago Paper. What she doesn’t realize is that by returning home, she may be a little more involved in the very crimes she is reporting than she even knows, even before she gets home! Camille is fresh out of a rehab stay for depression and anxiety; she is a cutter but not just any cuts does she put on her body, she cuts words into herself.  When a story hits that two little girls have been murdered in her hometown, her boss wants her to go back and get the scoop. She has to deal with her mother who we learn never loved her when she was little, the fact that her younger sister died when she was little, she has a half sister who has an eerie grip on the town and is known as the "it girl". On top of all this she has to deal with a detective from out of town, trying to solve the murders. As the story progresses we learn more about the relationship that Camille's mother had with the two murdered girls. We also learn that the half sister has a relationship with the tow murdered girls as well. I guess to give anymore details would give the ending away but I was definitely blown away with the book and glad that I stuck it out and finished reading it past page 30.


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